Monday, November 7, 2011

Content Analysis
Advanced Design
Megan Heaton

            From analyzing the three similar restaurant websites I’ve found that the repetition of the same links and menus in multiple places isn’t very helpful but actually creates more frustration when trying to navigate through a website. Also two out of the three websites had a large number of outside website links that is just as bad as having ads plastered all over their own website. I’ve found that I will most likely have a very simplified website layout of my own that is straightforward and easy for anyone to navigate through.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Having trouble with my fonts showing up. I can get them to work on my house computer but they don't show up when I get to class. Frustrating and can't figure out why.
roll over teacups

header with background included
 large teacup image


 final header design

water color teapot

 pencil drawing

background image


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Basic HTML: Summer 2011

I used what I learned in the HTML101 tutorial and created a web page on what I did this summer.